ENIT winter conference 2024 in Sälen, Lindvallen

Two major parts in building a strong company culture is about well-being and having fun together. That’s why we at ENIT always take the opportunity to team-exercise when we all meet up.
This time we went cross-country skiing in Sälenfjällen in Sweden, from Lindvallen to Hemfjällsstugan. 
Everyone, from beginners to semi-professionals participated. Just as we do at our daily work – those with experience, coaching those that are less experienced.
Upon arrival, the reward in form of very nice dinner at Hemfjällsstugan awaited us. 

ENIT at Sälen 2024 on cross-country skiis

About ENIT

We assist clients in developing and digitizing their customer communication solutions by providing consulting services and tailored solutions within OpenText Exstream, Quadient Inspire and SmartCOMM.
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